Design & Development


During design and development planning for service delivery, we determine;
 the relevant stages for service delivery which are reviewed, verified and validated
 the responsibilities and authorities required for this process
 the Initial preliminary service brief (Customer requirements


Inputs relating to the service design process shall be determined and records shall be maintained. These inputs include;
 Staff required and skill set
 Functional and performance data
 Statuatory and regulatory requirements
 Information derived from similar previous services
 Vehicle requirements


The service outputs shall provide verification against the intended design brief and shall;
 meet the input requirements
 provide appropriate information for service provision
 contain acceptance criteria
 Specify characteristics that are essential for safe and proper implementation of service.


Throughout the process of service delivery and development it is essential that systematic reviews are carried out. These reviews address the ability of the service design to meet the intended output and to identify any problem areas and propose follow up actions. Records of these reviews must be maintained


Planned verification of service delivery and development is carried out to ensure that at each stage of the service process has met the requirements. Records of the results of verification are maintained.


Formal validation is carried out to ensure that the resulting service meets the requirements of the clients Records of validations are maintained via client feedback reports.

Changes Control

Changes to service delivery must be controlled and evaluated and approved prior to implementation. Records of these changes are maintained.